1. General provisions:
1.1 The Agreement on the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is aimed at protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals whose personal data is processed by Sokolova A.V. (hereinafter referred to as the "Information User").
1.2 The Agreement has been developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1.3 The Agreement is a public document.
2. Information about the Information User
2.1 Information User - IE "Sokolova A.V." , BIN 920828400023
2.2 Legal address of the Information User: 050000, Almaty, Medeu district, st. Pushkin, 129, apt. 33
The actual address of the Information User: 050000, Almaty, Medeu district, st. Satpaeva 4A.
3. Information about the use of personal data
3.1 The information user processes personal data on a legal and fair basis to achieve the set goals, including for the provision of services and the transfer of information to the Owners of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the "Client").
3.2 The information user receives personal data directly from the Clients.
3.3 The information user processes personal data in automated and non-automated ways, using computer technology and without using such tools.
3.4 Personal data processing activities include receipt, collection, processing, accumulation, storage and use.
4. Consent of Clients
4.1 By performing specific actions on the site "https://lavoienomade.com" (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), including, but not limited to, placing an order, as well as installment payments or loans, registering in your personal account, subscribing to the newsletter, the Client confirms his consent to collect, store, process, transfer, including cross-border transfer, his personal data recorded on electronic, paper, and (or) other media available in any sources, including publicly available, that were, will be or may be known To the user of information or received by them from him and / or by any means that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the course of their activities and / or when using any sources, including publicly available ones, including,but not limited to all and any information voluntarily entered by the Client when using the Site and / or become known from any other available sources for the purposes related to the occurrence of information with the User and / or Third Parties in the past, present and future contractual and other any legal relations between the Client and the Information User and/or Third Parties.
4.2 The information user processes the personal data of the Clients in compliance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to:
4.2.1 receive requests and applications from Clients;
4.2.2 informing about new products, special promotions and offers;
4.2.3 sending an electronic cash receipt in electronic form;
4.2.4 Newsletter.
4.3 The information user processes the personal data of the Clients for no longer than is required by the purposes of processing personal data, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4.4 The Information User may process the following personal data of the Clients:
4.4.1 last name, first name, patronymic;
4.4.2 contact telephone number;
4.4.3 email address.
4.5. By submitting an application for an installment plan and / or a loan for goods on the Site, the Client agrees to the provision and transfer of information relating to him and his financial and other obligations of a property nature, as well as to receive a credit report to / from credit (s) bureaus and other ( u) organizations or sources (including state databases), including those that will come in the future, as well as:
• collection, processing of personal and/or biometric data of State Credit Bureau JSC and transfer of personal and/or biometric data bank in JSC "State Credit Bureau";
• for JSC State Credit Bureau to receive information about the Client from the State Databases (hereinafter referred to as the SDB) from the operators/owners of the SDB;
• for the provision of State Credit Bureau JSC to the bank with information about the Client obtained from the SDB;
• for the Bank to receive information about the Client received from the SDB;
for the owners of the SDB to provide information about the Client from all the SDBs to the State Credit Bureau JSC directly or through third parties.
5. Information about ensuring the security of personal data of Clients
5.1 When processing personal data, the User takes the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures or ensures their adoption to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution of personal data, as well as from other illegal actions regarding personal data.
5.2 Measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing, applied by the Information User, are planned and implemented in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Law, as well as other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
6. Rights of the Clients
6.1 The Client has the right to:
6.1.1 to a request for the provision of personal data used;
6.1.2 to clarify (change) his personal data if they are incomplete, outdated, inaccurate;
6.1.3 to withdraw their consent to the collection, processing and transfer of personal data;
6.1.4 to protect their rights and legitimate interests, including compensation for losses and compensation for moral damage in court;
6.1.5 to appeal against the actions or omissions of the Information User to the authorized body for the protection of consumer rights or in court.
6.2 In order to exercise their rights and legitimate interests, the Client has the right to contact the Information User in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
6.3 The Client has the right to request the deletion of personal data from the User by means of an application
6.3.1 Application of the Client. To exercise these rights, the Client must send an application to the Operator, which must contain:
- last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the Client, address of his place of residence (place of stay);
- date of birth of the Client;
- identification number of the Client, in the absence of such a number - the number of the document proving the identity of the Client (if this information was indicated by the Client when giving his consent to the operator or the processing of personal data is carried out without the consent of the Client);
- statement of the essence of the requirements of the Client;
- personal signature or electronic digital signature of the Client.
6.3.2 The application can be sent:
- in writing - to the address 050000, Almaty, Medeu district, st. Pushkin, 129, apt. 33
- in the form of an electronic document - to the email address la.voie.nomade@gmail.com
7. Final Provisions
7.1 The Agreement and relations between the Information User and the Client are governed and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Issues not regulated by the Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
7.2 The Agreement is a public offer, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The fact of putting a mark of agreement with the content of the Agreement by the Client on the Site is a full and unconditional acceptance of this Agreement (in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 396 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Ignorance of the provisions of the Agreement does not release the Client from liability for non-compliance with its terms.
7.3 The Information User reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change and (or) supplement the Agreement at any time without prior and (or) subsequent notice to the Client. The current version of the Agreement is available in the Site interface.
7.4 The Client has the right to revoke his consent to the collection, processing and transfer of personal data at any time. The withdrawal of consent is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on personal data and their protection through a public service, a non-governmental service, or in another way that allows confirming the fact of withdrawal of consent.
7.5 This Agreement for each of the Clients comes into force from the moment the Client performs the actions specified in clause 7.2 of the Agreement, and is valid until the account is deleted by the Client.